الأحد، 27 سبتمبر 2020

د. رشيد الطوخي يلتقي مع سمو الامير المهتدي بالله ولي عهد بروناي


لقاء الدكتور رشيد بن محمد الطوخي رئيس تحرير الوقائع الدولية ومدير عام المؤسسة العربية للتنمية والمساعدات الانسانية مع ولي عهد سلطنة بروناي دار السلام سمو الأمير المهتدي بالله بن حسن البلقيه في مكتب سمو ولي العهد في العاصمة بندر سري بيغاوان.

السبت، 27 يونيو 2015

Dr. Rasheed Ketua Pengarah Yayasan Arab Aid

Dr. Rasheed Bin Mohammad altokhi

Ketika  ditemui  malam sabtu kemarin  Dr. Rasheed al Toukhi  Ketua Pengarah Yayasan Arab Aid di pejabatnya di Singapura dengan beberapa wakil yayasan Arab Aid di negara-negara Asia Tenggara dalam program yayasan tahunan untuk mendengar penjelasan terperinci mengenai kemajuan bantuan dan kerja sukarela di bulan Ramadan yang suci untuk memberikan makanan berbuka puasa dan memberikan pakaian Hari Raya.

الأربعاء، 4 فبراير 2015

Dr. Rasheed altokhi lecturer in Singapore

Dr. Rasheed altokhi

Dr. Rasheed Altokhi has delivered a speech on Wednesday at Faisal Islamic Hall in Singapore addressing the most important developments in the Arab world in general and the troubled areas in particular, and also discussed the challenges facing young expatriate people, their rights and duties required of them.

السبت، 21 يونيو 2014

Dr. Rasheed Altokhi di kantornya jakarta

Dr. Rasheed altokhi

Dr. Rasheed Altokhi berbicara tentang demokrasi dan proses pemilu di sebagian besar Negara-negara Arab berbeda dibandingkan dengan beberapa Negara Asia Tenggara dan mengatakan fakta-fakta tentang kerjasama antara Indonesia dengan internasional di kantornya di ibukota Jakarta di hadapan para wartawan media dan sejumlah karyawan baru.

الثلاثاء، 11 فبراير 2014

Photo Majlis tafsiran di rumah Dr Rasheed

Majlis tafsiran di rumah Dr Rasheed

Majlis tafsiran di rumah Dr Rasheed altokhi 1
Majlis tafsiran di rumah Dr Rasheed altokhi 2
Majlis tafsiran di rumah Dr Rasheed altokhi 3
Majlis tafsiran di rumah Dr Rasheed altokhi 4
Majlis tafsiran di rumah Dr Rasheed altokhi 5

Majlis tafsiran di rumah Dr Rasheed Altokhi

Semalam petang di kediaman tempat tinggal Dr.Rasheed bin Mohammad Toukhi di kuala lumpur mengadakan majlis makan malam yang di hadiri oleh beberapa rakan-rakan dan orang-orang kenamaan,beserta keluarga mereka. Di mana mereka membaca surah Yassin berdoa dan tafsiran. Haji Sheikh Ismail bercakap di Dewan keceriaan dan berdoa untuk doktor dan untuk semua yang hadir dan menjelaskan beberapa ayat-ayat Surah Al-Fatihah .Beliau dan beberapa orang yang hadir juga memberikan ucapan terima kasih kepada Doktor dan keluarga.

الاثنين، 10 فبراير 2014

Dr. Rasheed Bin M. Altokhi emphasizes helping the Muslims of Burma

Dr. Rasheed Altokhi Director-General of the Arab Foundation for Development has met with preacher Sheikh "Maulana Abul Kalam" who teaches Quran for the displaced Burmese orphans and supervises their education in Bengali camps despite the difficult living and security, social and economic conditions. Dr. Rasheed provided advice and guidance to Sheikh Maulana Abul Kalam and wished him success in his work. It is noteworthy that the Arab Foundation for Development oversees part of the subsidy, education and care for displaced Burmese children in Bangladesh.

السبت، 31 أغسطس 2013

Al-Waqaee International Magazine

Al-Waqaee International Magazine
Al-Waqaee International Magazine, Issue no. 154 (August 2013, 15th year), published by "Al-Waqae'e Institution for Media Studies and Publish". This issue contains several important and hot topics and studies where the main topic is about Turkey and the danger coming from the south, and another article on the Syrian National Coalition and the role required of it in light of the challenges facing the Syrian opposition in general. This issue also contains a study on Jordan's attitude toward the Syrian case and their support for their cause since its start, as well as an article on the formation and the brief history of Sultanate of Brunei. Al-Waqae'e Int. is now published in Arabic and English in a new look and is distributed in more countries including South East Asia, Australia and South China.